This website and the content of the website are the intellectual property of Érchegyi Generál Kft (41 Széchelyi utca (street), Visegrád, 2025) and according to Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright, the use of the design, videos, images and writings on the website are prohibited without the prior written consent of the operator. We will take actions against the detected violations.
Érchegyi Generál Kft provides the information on the website for information purposes only, contacting through it shall not constitutes an order.
Érchegyi Generál Kft reserves the right to alter, modify, restrict or terminate the site.
Érchegyi Generál kft will not take responsibility for materials displayed by third parties to which the website is linked.
An integral part of this legal notice is the privacy statement under the data protection menu item.